
Month: January, 2021

Covad 19

I want to walk your streets
With a friend
Finding myself
Internally warm
At 2PM
On a Saturday
Applying lipstick
In a well designed bathroom
Manifesting deeper plans
For the future
Possibly a dance party
In a friends living room
Discussing grander ideas
I just want to feel free

A Distant Past

It was long ago
A distant past
Another lifetime
Maybe I reminisce
Searching for that sensation
Bubbling from the depths
Deep within
To remember

You brought inspiration
In curious ways
Added saturation to color
And lit matches
In the darkest corners of my mind
A disparate life
Preceding chapter
Many more, written since

I recall the instant
An internal shift
Deep within my heart
A yearning
I couldn’t escape
Such a powerful circumstance
Recognizing your current existence
Isn’t the reality you desire

Please do Come Find me Again

Finding solstice
In silence
A rare animal
Limiting its presence
As if frightened
By my every move
I miss those moments
Of internal warmth
A rush
Fire flowing through my veins
Where have you been?
Please do come find me again
