
Tag: emotion

Stepping Out

I found myself exhausted


A shell of my being

A life dedicated

To the satisfaction

Of anything

But my own desires

I wept

Holding to my convictions

Another day

It will get better

Another hour

All the same

Stepped out

To find my worth

Uncovering subtle cues


I long since forgot


That this crazed state of being

Is temporary

A blip in the screening

Of my lifetime

A deep breathe, forthcoming

I can feel it in my bones

Shedding layers of the past

Embracing what’s ahead


Dull Balance

I’ve stuck a balance

Standing up straight

With my shoulders back

Only moments

Of fleeting insecurities

Depending on the day

Working towards

A life of value

And success

Whatever that may mean

Embracing bliss

Recognizing fear

The scale tipped

The highs and lows


A clear horizon

And a desire for change

Where I find resolution


At times,

Creativity is only discovered

Amidst the chaos

Making balance

Appear dull


What’s Next?

lyrics from a song
We both love

Blurred vision
On the rug
I love, and you hate

This is us
A Saturday filled with
Bliss and discussion

About the future
The value of place
A cocoon of where we could be

Not where we are
But the future
Different from this

The smell of fresh cut grass
Laughter of familiar faces
Sense of community

Like a story

A vision
So far away
Yet within reach

I feel you
In my bones

In the perfect ideation
A falsehood

Here we stand
At a crossroads

Where do we go from here
This shift
I feel deep, within my soul

We hit reset
Here we are
Unsure where to go next

For a chapter
Yet to be told


My Triumph

At times, I find myself
Of my temerity
Am I within your perspective?
I’m searching
Uncovering the answers
I cannot possibly understand
To better another
Within reach
Yet damaged
A wading pool
Of disappointment
I’m exposed
At your disposal
Without your knowledge
I’m devastated
It’s your undoing
That consumes my presence
I’m in control
I’ve taken the wheel
You will not win
This is my triumph

A Distant Past

It was long ago
A distant past
Another lifetime
Maybe I reminisce
Searching for that sensation
Bubbling from the depths
Deep within
To remember

You brought inspiration
In curious ways
Added saturation to color
And lit matches
In the darkest corners of my mind
A disparate life
Preceding chapter
Many more, written since

I recall the instant
An internal shift
Deep within my heart
A yearning
I couldn’t escape
Such a powerful circumstance
Recognizing your current existence
Isn’t the reality you desire

Please do Come Find me Again

Finding solstice
In silence
A rare animal
Limiting its presence
As if frightened
By my every move
I miss those moments
Of internal warmth
A rush
Fire flowing through my veins
Where have you been?
Please do come find me again


Unable to Last

Finding my way free

Creating space

And establishing time

To allow my mind to see

This frantic semblance

Crash car of thoughts

Screeching around my psyche

A taxing vengeance

At my own demise

I’ve created this whirlpool

That is my existence

In an effort to disguise

A past I’ve entombed

Deep within the depths of my soul

And marked for future reflection

Or so it’s been assumed

I need to face the demon

That haunts my yesterday’s

And reminds me of who I’ve become

Internally I’m screaming

A pursuit of my past

In search of understanding

On how we became

unable to last


Fleeting Feelings

I felt you in the air tonight

Overcome with weightlessness

Eyes pressed lightly shut

I experienced longer exhales

And took in the moment

Watching the leaves on the trees

Dance in the warm summer breeze

Buzzing of my winged neighbors

And the melody of the city surrounding me

I could feel you

Welling up inside

This familiar feeling

I’ve missed you

Fleeting in


never by surprise

reuniting me

With my former self

Recalling past encounters

Embracing the journey

Inhaling happiness

I felt free


Photo: Kevin Barry Fine Art Photographer

I’m Willing to Climb


This island


An illusion I’ve created

From a strained alliance

I can no longer confide

As if I ever truly could

This yearning, juvenile

An unrealistic ambition

Bringing me to this byroad

The serenity I’ve found

By circumvention

Is it real?

– ACovie